9 April 2010

A sniff of summer

The sun is out, the sky is blue, it’s not quite summer but we don’t care! The desire to be outside is so great that it’s sent us all a bit giddy.

Pangs of excitement just thinking about summer holidays, festivals and Pimms in the sunshine can be felt almost everywhere.

Piggybacking the current enthusiasm for all-things outdoor related, we’re thinking of the summer essentials that you’ll use time and again over the next few months. Not going down the exfoliate-and-moisturise-legs route just yet (we’re really not ready for that right now – give us a week) we’re thinking more practical.

Picnics, beach visits, festivals, outdoor gigs, garden parties – you name it. We’ll be doing all very soon and what have we seen that will be a god-send at each of these events? A handy fold-up seat. Simple, practical and combined with the warm weather - more than enough to get us super excited about the summer.

We spotted the QuickSit at Love Eco and it’s a must have for SS10. It even comes in a bang-on-trend floral design!

Made in the UK from 100% recycled plastic, the QuickSit arrives neatly flat packed and ready to assemble in four easy steps. Voila! There you have a trendy and surprisingly sturdy little seat for multiple occasions.

Once you’re done with your QuickSit, it’s easily to fold away and even comes with a carry handle. Perfect! Now can someone tell us why we're still in front of a computer?

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